The End

A place to give details for upcoming events and some nice pictures afterwards.
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capri power
Posts: 809
Joined: Wed 01 Feb 2017, 02:43
Location: Belgium

The End

Post by capri power » Sat 04 Jan 2025, 19:22

Everything comes to an end. This is Ours.

Let's face it, our visitor numbers are getting less and less.
Social Media also have more success (but it is also becoming less).
We are Old Skool and we have always made albums on our website.
We're past our peak. But it's OK, it's an evolution over time.
After 13 years we pull the plug. 13, Lucky or Unlucky, who knows?
We will continue to visit events, but we will leave photographing vehicles to another generation.
The website won't go offline and the albums remain available in thought of better times.
We thank all our viewers..

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